Group Registration

Allie's Group

This is a WOMENS Young Adults (18-25) Group that meets in person. The main goal of this group is to connect young adults around the Simi Campus and create a community among people going through similar walks of life. As young adults, we are going through many changes as we go from high school to college to working, being involved in a life group can help when we face these new challenges. About Me: I have grown up in the church through my parents, but made it my own faith in 2011. I volunteer in the children's ministry on Sundays and just graduating with a degree in nursing. I am excited to connect with young adults through this life group and getting to know everyone as we study God's Word together!

Group Type
Young Adults
Monday at 7:00 PM
Simi Valley, CA
Please complete the form below to register for Allie's Group.